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Become the smartest player on the field by learning from the best.

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Online Lacrosse

GLE Lacrosse

The Nations Best On Your Computer

Zoom meetings with the nations best players teaching you. 

How it works

Pick a coach and time then you are ready to go. 
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What kind of film do I upload?
How do I upload the film?
Do I get to pick my coach?

Any full-length game that you have played in, this could be a tournament game or a high school game. 

After scheduling an appointment, you will be emailed instructions on uploading your film to Hudl, a film-sharing platform.

Yes! We let you select any coach from our team allowing you the best fit.

Do the coaches pick the clips?

Yes! All you need to do is send your game film to us and we do the rest.

How long are the meetings?

The meetings last around 30 minutes. We found this is perfect amount of time to go through one full game of film. 

What if it is not what I expected?

We provide a 100% money back guarantee if your session does not live up to expectations. 


Get to Know Us

GLE was started by Connecticut College Lacrosse player Chris Travers out of a desire to provide coaching to players not in lacrosse hotbeds. Film review is the most underutilized aspect of of coaching and lacrosse. We are here to help you get ahead of the competition by providing elite coaching.

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